Marae Engagement

April 20, 2021

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Marae Engagement


As a Marae based, Rangatahi led initiative, PRC's commitment to supporting other local marae community allows us to work along side whānau with the same desired outcome  of a sustainable future for generations to come. The strong relationship built within these marae engagement programmes also aides in the strengthening of learning outcomes, and the ability to nurture individuals and their pastoral care


Ngāti Takihiku te hapū
Ngāti Raukawa ki Wharepūhunga te Iwi

Pūniu River Care (PRC) have a very close relationship with Rāwhitiroa Marae being another marae situated on the banks of the Pūniu river in the upper valley of Ōwairaka. Engagements include, but not being limited to are providing a role for ahi kā for the up keeping of the marae grounds and maintenance of the lawns. PRC were able to provide a site liaison to oversee civil construction works at the Pā while also being able to aide in the establishment of a māra kai on the marae grounds for any event that happens on the marae, and for the wider whānau in need.
PRC’s engagement with Rāwhitiroa grows stronger everytime with a future community / marae whānau planting day in the coming fall.


Ngāti Te Kanawa, Ngāti Peehi, Ngāti Kinohaku, Ngāti Huiao ngā hapū, Ngāti Maniapoto te Iwi

Our PRC Kaumātua made it their priority to support the whānau of Te Kauae Marae in their community planting project which saw a hive of whānau from Te Kauae Marae come along and get stuck in.
A ‘close to heart project’ for a certain whānau member who has helped out PRC from its earlier stages and continuing on her vast knowledge and passion to this present day. This project highlights the PRC purpose and value of Kohā- Limitless generosity acknowledging the celebration of life.


Ngāti Apakura te hapū, Ngāti Maniapoto te Iwi

PRC’s engagement with the whānau o Ngāti Apakura was to provide and plant native plants for their wāhi tūturu enhancement project. The project started with a karakia on site in which the whānau attended, to allow our staff to undergo any works within the scope in a safe manner and giving our staff a clear path through a spiritual passage. PRC were welcomed with warm hearts from the whānau who were in attendance and hereby returning the aroha by feeding the team.