CELF Leadership Programme

August 14, 2017

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CELF Leadership Programme


Shannons efforts as a great leader and role model are being recognised on a regional scale. NZ Homes Loans have reached out to sponsor him to take part in the CELF leadership programme.


"I feel humbled and I'm looking forward to learning the skills and strategies to work through certain issues that leaders face. It feels like a big short cut. Instead of going the long way, this gives me the opportunity to feed off other leaders and also having exposure to other places."  Shannon Te Huia


"Be honest, be strong, work hard"
Reuben and Phyllis Te Huia (Shannon's Grandparents)
Reuben and Phyllis Te Huia (Shannon's Grandparents)

"Reuben Te Huia was an entrepreneur, he owned a lot of companies and employed local people.

His key goal in life was to feed people. He did that by employing people and growing huge gardens he would get us to work in.

He had this thing where he'd grow big gardens and put the veggies in boxes and when we came into town he'd drop them off to people, so you'd get home and have all these veggies at your door.

He inspired me because he was the rock that held everything together. If he said anything no one would question him because he had integrity. He was a man of his word. Very direct. Very hard man. Lacked emotion. But then he had this soft side. There was no in between. One minute you'd get a hiding then next minute he'd yell out ice cream. At the end of the day he'd pull out ice cream and all the little kids would run over to get some.

I always felt like he treated me differently. We were the favourites. My sisters were treated like princesses. My grandad supported me. I think he saw the business side of me; even when I started my first business, I put in about 50k to start and he backed me. He believed in me and that's all I needed. He made me feel like I could do anything.

He made me a strong person and I think that's the key, strong minded and believed in myself. There's a lot of things that can happen that can make you question what you're doing. His belief in me was what helped me. Even with the kaumaatua, they knew he was a man of integrity so always looked to him for support or direction. Because of his belief in me, the kaumaatua support me and my decisions and I now look to them for guidance. I'm also producing my own credibility. They see what I'm doing and I've also gained all the respect from my aunties that thought I was a little shit and spoilt. It's only from doing things that's got me where I am. I could of just been a little shit that got everything and just did nothing."

Shannon Te Huia