Nau Mai Haere Mai

This year, our annual Open Day has been named Rā Whakanuia, Mahi Whakaharia as we focus on the massive efforts of our Kai Mahi throughout the years. Details of our current projects will be showcased and highlighted with our whole team on deck to Manaaki our visitors and share insights of our Mahi “on the ground”.

Pūniu River Care Inc. welcomed the masses on to Mangatoatoa Marae to celebrate it’s annual Open Day, ‘Rā Whakanuia, Mahi Whakaharia!’

This day was an opportunity for all of our kaimahi; Te Kāhui a Hiwa, to share their learnings and celebrate their mahi through meaningful work stories. The day was a must this year due to Covid calling the shots last year, and even with a postponement to the event back in March (also due to Covid), we were pretty determined to see this day happen!

Our kaimahi had centre stage at the event which provided an opportunity for the public to see the faces behind our mahi and really engage with their stories. This event was an experience for our kaimahi as well, as a lot of us are whakamā and tend to refrain from public speaking. However, because we have also grown as people and proud to be involved in a pretty sweet kaupapa, those barriers were bowled over!

The Nursery was open for all to see the process from seed to mat and showcased our kaimahi and Optimus Prime the potting machine in action. Projects were on display with kaimahi speaking on their progress and our Marae Maintenance crew had the set up of the day which captivated our manuwhiri. We also had the opportunity to discuss our education avenues. This gained a lot of interest, allowing manuwhiri to understand our learning and development streams and avenues whilst strengthening relationships through the Cadetship and Kickstart to Work programmes.

The day was then wrapped up in the whare Te Maru o Ihoa, where we heard the final word of the day come from our Pou Tāhūhū (CEO), Shannon Te Huia, and sharing another awe inspiring kōrero to finish the day.

“Surround yourself with those who have the same passion, and respect those who think otherwise”

The event would not have been made possible without the tautoko of Te Mahere Whakauka/The Hope Project, Ministry of Social Development NZ, Te Wharekura o Ngā Purapura o Te Aroha, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, Waikeria Department of Corrections and all other whānau and manuwhiri who showed up in support.

Thank you to one and all for taking the time out of your busy schedules and hanging out with us for the day, hearing about “our why” and checking out what makes us get up every morning!!!

Nui rawa ngā mihi ki koutou kua tae mai ki te

tautoko te kaupapa whakahirahira o mātou ko ngā kaitiaki o te awa o Pūniu, arā, Te Kāhui a Hiwa... Mauri Ora!!!

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